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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Stop Print Waste Now

You can save your company serious money with one simple decision -- implementing a Cost Recovery Solution.

Cost Recovery solutions are a single, all-encompassing answer to print waste -- a problem that can add major costs to any business' overhead. Is your recycle bin overflowing with single-side color prints? Do unclaimed print jobs pile up? Do your employees print documents they shouldn't? Cost Recovery solutions are the answer to all these challenges and more.
  • Eliminate Unnecessary Printing by tracking individual users, setting personal print budgets and establishing workflows that discourage wasteful printing. Ensure that the documents your employees print are needed.

  • Manage Output by user, department or client, allowing you to attribute billable costs to clients and keep tabs on your overall use.

  • Evaluate Usage by your employees, so you know who printed what, when and why. Cost Recovery solutions provide a comprehensive view of your document output, giving you the tools to combat waste.

  • Control Costs by changing employee behavior, billing clients for account-related print costs, routing print jobs to the most efficient printers, and gaining a full understanding of document output.

Cost Recovery Solutions can maximize the efficiency of your printing. Think of them as "your bottom line's new best friend."