10 Simple Ways to Save Paper/Electricity At Your Business
1. Power down: Copiers consume the most energy of all types of office equipment and use power even when sitting idle. Turn copiers and printers off at night and on the weekend.
2. Print duplex: Electricity is not only used to create documents, but also for the production of the paper on which it is printed. Set your printer and copier to automatically default to making two-sided copies.
3. Re-use: Reduce paper usage by printing on the back side of used paper.
4. Preview before you print: Cases of paper end up in the dumpster due to documents not printing as the user expected. Use your "print preview" to reduce the number of unwanted prints.
5. Sleep to save: Copiers and printers are on all day but only used for a small part of the day. Use the "stand-by" and "sleep" modes available on the device.
6. Don't print it: Save electricity and paper by reading an email or memo from the monitor; you can always print it later if you need to.
7. Get the right size: A mid-volume (20 to 44 copies per minute) copier in a low-volume office can use 70% more energy per page than an efficient low-volume (under 20 copies per minute) copier.
8. Strategic placement: Place printers and multifunctional devices strategically around the office so several people or groups can use the same printer.
9. Get out of the heat: Put printing devices in areas with natural ventilation and good airflow to reduce the need for increased air conditioning.
10. Energy Star: Look for the Energy Star logo when buying office equipment to ensure the device has automatic power-management features and therefore a better use of energy.
Let's all do our part to reduce the impact of today's office technology on our environment, starting with these very easy to accomplish steps.