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Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Cobb & Canon -- Get the Facts!
PROBLEM: Servicing Your Current Canon Equipment
You have a Canon device and are experiencing issues getting parts from your current service provider because they are no longer an authorized Canon dealer and have lost their ability to buy genuine Canon parts quickly and efficiently to meet your needs.
SOLUTION: Partnering with Cobb & Canon
Cobb Technologies is an authorized Canon sales and service dealer. Partnering with Cobb to service your Canon equipment gives you the assurance of:
• Advanced technical support and field services.
• Direct dealer access to Canon’s service and customer relations personnel.
• The most recent product updates and upgrades to Canon’s imaging hardware lineup.
• The use of genuine Canon parts.
• Locally-owned and operated since 1990 which means that you get fast, consistent, local response to your issues and concerns.
Contact Cobb Technologies to see if you are eligible for Cobb to pick up the service on your Canon equipment. You should demand only genuine Canon parts and supplies to guarantee maximum performance and warranty assurance of your equipment.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Earn an A+ by Implementing a Managed Print Services Program at Your School
We have all heard the news; under mounting financial pressure, state and local governments are cutting budgets and education is a large focus of these budget cuts. So what can school boards do to minimize the financial implications without sacrificing the education of the students? A logical first step is to cut operational costs.
Educational institutions are being encouraged to rebuild, innovate and improve the infrastructure of their operational systems. A Managed Print Service (MPS) Program can help manage costs, provide strategic control points, and consequently address growing budget concerns. A comprehensive site assessment, the first step in implementing an MPS program, can assist in better understanding and even uncovering unknown issues that could lead to significant cost saving opportunities for a school or district, such as unnecessary or under-utilized stand alone devices, inefficient large central production departments, and expensive, multiple current vendor contracts.
Educational institutions which migrate to an MPS program enjoy many Hard and Soft Cost benefits:
Hard Cost Benefits
Standardization of devices to simplify workflow and user interaction
Reduced energy costs and environmental impact by replacing older devices with newer energy-efficient devices
Less required maintenance due to higher reliability
Just-in-time supply replenishment for reduced inventory issues
Reduced administrative costs for service and supplies
Improved document workflow
Simplified training and support
Department accountability by utilizing account codes or network credentials for access
Earn an A+ this year by implementing a Managed Print Services Program to save time, money and staff involvement at your school.